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Alderville Black Oak Savanna

Alderville First Nation boasts the largest remnant of Black Oak Savanna and Tallgrass Prairie in central Ontario. The Alderville Black Oak Savanna Restoration is a long term initiative of the Alderville First Nation. Since 1999 the initiative has focused on restoring and expanding 55 ha of tallgrass and savanna habitat and it is now recognized as the “jewel” of the Rice Lake Plains. The Alderville Nation has a deep connection to this treasured ecosystem and a commitment to sharing their knowledge with others.

Our program has three goals:

  1. preserve, restore and expand this rare habitat;
  2. educate and extend information to the public and local landowners; and
  3. provide a quality and diverse research site.

Fleming College's School of Environmental and Natural Resource Sciences

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You’ll get to know our faculty and other students by name – it’s a close community – and you’ll make friendships and connections that continue throughout your career.

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Ganaraska CA 

The Ganaraska Region Conservation Authority (GRCA) was formed in October 1946 under the Conservation Authorities Act, and is one of the oldest conservation authorities in Ontario. Encompassing a watershed of 935 km2, the Ganaraska region is one of the smaller authorities, yet has one of the largest contiguous forests in southern Ontario – the 11,000 acre Ganaraska Forest.

Within the Ganaraska Forest, stands the Ganaraska Forest Centre (GFC). This versatile  facility has been offering outdoor education programs for 42 years, including a curriculum-linked biodiversity program which highlights one of two remnant tallgrass prairie areas within the forest. The demonstration area is located on-site at the GFC and the Ochonski Tallgrass Restoration Area is located in the central section of the forest. Both sites are managed through consultation with the Rice Lake Plains Partners; with the Ochonski site being used as a seed collection area for partners to promote the use of local and resilient tallgrass species.

Lone Pine Land Trust

Lone Pine Land Trust is a grass roots organization, where volunteers and donors have created something of enduring value toward the preservation of land, water, and diverse life in our area.

The land trust began in 1991 with one woman’s drive to conserve a beautiful marsh. Murial Braham purchased the original eighty-six acres on County Road 21 and Maple Grove Road in Northumberland, Ontario. In 1996, Lone Pine Marsh Sanctuary was created; we have since become a non-profit and charity, now registered as Lone Pine Land Trust.

Our vision has expanded and our dream of protecting more lands and waters along the Cold Creek watershed is a work in progress. Cold Creek is considered one of the finest creeks remaining in eastern North America; the quality of the water and the diversity of life it supports are well worth trying to preserve. Five properties are now owned by the Land Trust and protected as conservation properties. Visit our website for information on our properties, organization, and events.

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Lower Trent Conservation

As one of the 36 Conservation Authorities in Ontario, Lower Trent Conservation (LTC) delivers conservation services to protect and manage our local environment on a watershed basis. We seek opportunities to establish partnerships with other agencies, watershed residents and community groups to complete restoration projects. LTC provides a variety of education and outreach programing, as well as technical support and funding for stewardship projects. We own two Natural Habitat Areas (Alderville Woods and Burnley Creek) and one Conservation Area (Goodrich-Loomis) within the Rice Lake Plains. For more information on these and other properties, and our services, please visit our website at

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Nature Conservancy of Canada

The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is Canada’s leading national land conservation organization. We are a private, non-profit group that partners with corporate and individual landowners to achieve the direct protection of our most important natural treasures through property securement (donation, purchase, conservation agreement and the relinquishment of other legal interests in land) and long-term stewardship of our portfolio of properties.

Since 1962, NCC and our partners have helped to conserve more than 15 million hectares of ecologically significant land nationwide. 

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Northumberland County

The Northumberland County Forest (NCF) is comprised of 5, 400 acres of land owned by Northumberland County, located on the Oak Ridges Moraine (ORM) and designated as Natural Core Area under the ORM Conservation Plan. The NCF supports countless plants and wildlife, including white tailed deer, black bears, coyotes, rabbits and turkey. Birds such as the red shouldered hawk, common raven, hermit thrush, white-winged crossbill and the black throated blue warbler may also be spotted by visitors. The County’s forest management program balances public use of the forest with protection of its natural environment.

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Northumberland Land Trust

The Northumberland Land Trust (NLT) is a not-for profit ENGO. It was founded in 2003 by the Willow Beach Field Naturalists to preserve the natural, cultural and historical heritage of Northumberland County. They are currently protecting 481 acres of land on six properties, 160 acres of which are on the Oak Ridges Moraine. Their holdings span four Municipalities: five that they own in Port Hope, Hamilton and Alnwick-Haldimand, and the sixth is a 177 acre Conservation Easement in Cramahe. The Laurie Lawson Outdoor Education Centre north of Cobourg is used by the school board for the education of some 4,000 children annually. The landscapes include old growth forest, wetlands and the habitat of many species of flora and fauna across Northumberland County. They own one property within the Rice Lake Plains adjacent to Peter’s Woods Provincial Park.

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Ontario Parks

Peter’s Woods Provincial Park is a 349 hectare nature reserve class park. It is the only provincial park within the Rice Lake Plains area of the Oak Ridges Moraine.

The original 33 hectares of park lands became a provincial park in 1976. These lands include a maple-beech forest that is one of the most mature deciduous woodlands in southern Ontario. The lands were acquired in partnership with the Willow Beach Field Naturalists, and the organization has continued to be an invaluable partner for over 40 years.

Lands acquired in partnership with the Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) have since been added to the park, substantially increasing its size. These lands contain tallgrass prairie, globally rare black oak savanna, and oak woodland habitats. NCC and Ontario Parks are working together to restore the tallgrass prairie and black oak savanna habitats on these lands.

Click here for the Peter’s Woods Park Management Plan (2009), which includes information about the park and how it is protected and managed.

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Tallgrass Ontario

Tallgrass Ontario is an environmental not for profit dedicated to the identification, protection and restoration of Ontario’s threatened tallgrass prairies and savannas. We work with landowners, governments, non-profits and other groups to achieve that goal. Our services include data sharing, mapping, project coordination, consultations and public outreach. Tallgrass Ontario also does volunteer training, getting enthusiastic people educated in many tasks that are necessary for tallgrass restoration projects.

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Willow Beach Field Naturalists

The Willow Beach Field Naturalists have been meeting as a club since 1953. The membership comes from the the communities of Port Hope and Cobourg and surrounding areas in Northumberland County, Ontario. WBFN is a community-based, charitable organization committed to the preservation of our natural heritage. The Club works through advocacy, education, volunteer assistance and donations to preserve flora, fauna and associated habitat. Willow Beach Field Naturalists is affiliated with Ontario Nature. Willow Beach Field Naturalists is a registered, charitable organization that makes use of donations and bequests to further the protection of local habitat as well as education and advocacy in the community. Receipts for tax purposes are issued.

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